A Horse of a Different Color: “Bojack Horseman” Series Review

Bojack Horseman (or the Sad-Horse Show, as I call it) is a weird-as-hell adult animated television program about the washed-up star of a popular 90's sitcom called Horsin' Around. He's a humanoid horse, he's voiced by Will Arnett, he's mega depressed, and he's trying desperately to remain relevant. He lives in a colorful depiction of … Continue reading A Horse of a Different Color: “Bojack Horseman” Series Review

HBO’s Watchmen: Series Review

This show is ballsy. Not because of the amount of balls you see, or the dope risks it takes with its story, or even its fascinating and layered political statements, Watchmen is ballsy because of how un-ballsy it seems at first. Somebody could watch the first few episodes and assume that it’s just a pretty … Continue reading HBO’s Watchmen: Series Review